
Event Venue

Semarang University

ICTECA 2024 will be held in Semarang University Campus, at Arteri Soekarano Hatta Street, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Hotel Recommendation information is listed below with special rate for the ICTECA USM 2024.

ICTECA 2023 at Universitas Semarang

Semarang University


Hotel Information

Homi Hotel

Distance 1 Km
Price Range
Rp 313,500 - Rp 684,000

Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.275A, Kalicari, Kec. Pedurungan, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50198

Faustine Hotel

Distance 1,8 Km
Price Range
Rp 288,000 – Rp 450,000

Jl. Gajah Raya No.88, Sambirejo, Kec. Gayamsari, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50166

Horison Kota Lama

Distance 3,5 Km
Price Range
Rp 328,000 - Rp 469,000

Jl. MT Haryono no. 32-38 Purwodinatan, Semarang 50137

Horison Nindya

Distance 5 Km
Price Range
Rp 328,846 - Rp 675,750

Jl. Brigjen Sudiarto No.496, Pedurungan Lor, Kec. Pedurungan, Kota Semarang

MG Setos Hotel

Distance 5,2 Km
Price Range
Rp 318,502 - Rp 532,351

Jl. Inspeksi, Kembangsari, Kec. Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50133

Quest Hotel Plampitan

Distance 6,1 Km
Price Range
Rp 356,952 - Rp890,014

Jl. Plampitan No.37-39, Bangunharjo, Kec. Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50138

Gets Hotel

Distance 7,4 Km
Price Range
Rp 718,183 - Rp 1,795,458

No.312 – 316, Rejosari, Jl. MT. Haryono, Sarirejo, Kec. Semarang Tim., Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50124